I often wonder, being a student of history, what our fore fathers would say about the current state of the world. What would they say about us the American people?
Well I think that I could confidently state that Washington would be horrified by the polarization of our country via party politics. Washington would probably also be one of the biggest critics of our forgein policy. Not because he was adverse to violence but because he despised "entangling alliances" and interfereing in the affairs of other nations.
What about Jefferson? Well as for him he'd sob over the state of the all but extinct yeoman farmer. We know them as the honest Americans who used to make an honest living feeding the country until gigantic faceless corporations forced them into bankruptcy and co-opted there image to maintain billions of dollars in subsidies.
Benjamin Franklin would take a personal interest in the state of the media because in his day we had more independent news papers per person than we do today. By independent I mean not owned by Clear Channel, Time Warner or Rupert Murdoch.
Patrick Henry who famously said "give me liberty or give me death". Had he been living today he might have said, "please don't let them hurt me here take my liberty if it will protect me."
John Adams the puritan, a man who prided not only himself but his countrymen on there work ethic. Would he be proud of the fact that most of our economy is based on making money out of money?
The list can go on almost indefinitely. The point I am trying to make is that we are a unique country founded on ideals of equality and justice. Those ideals have been warped, no longer do we enshrine those things that our founding fathers fought for like the bill of rights and the constitution. (How many people do you know that can recite the first 10?) Instead we enshrine our flag and our anthem the pomp the circumstance and the fluff. If our Founding Fathers are in fact looking down at us, they deserve better than to watch the country they gave there lives to disintegrate.
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