Hello everyone. This blog is my attempt to enter the enormous discussion we as a nation are having about the size and scope of the federal government and the role that it should play in our everyday lives. I entitled the blog "The 21st Amendment" for a few reasons:
First, it is the only Amendment that has specifically repealed another (The 18th otherwise known as Prohibition), thus reducing the power and role of the Federal Government.
Second, to remind people that the Federal Government is not always right or perfect.
Third because I will most likely be following Ernest Hemingway's advice "write drunk edit sober."
I am sure that I will be promoting ideas that a great many of you disagree with. While I encourage lively debate and a free exchange of ideas I implore all readers and those who chose to comment to remain respectful and open minded.
That being said I fully expect and encourage those of you who do chose to read and comment to constantly challenge me and call me out if I have misrepresented any facts, quotes or opinions of others. "To err is human" and I expect that I might from time to time.
Thank you for reading this far. My first post will be entitled "Reclaiming the Republic" and will include Ideas and Methods that I feel are essential to restoring our country.
Ah yes, let the games begin.